Revision history of "16418/Stark Tank!"

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  • curprev 17:57, 23 July 2024Kstar talk contribs 29,276 bytes −216
  • curprev 19:44, 17 July 2024Liu talk contribs 29,492 bytes +29,492 Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/07/09 |Location=Penthouse - Stark Tower |Synopsis=Peter proposes a thing and gets all the things! |Cast of Characters=4, 118, 83, 22, 70 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:4|Peter Parker (4)}} has posed:'''<br>It's earlier in the morning than Peter usually likes to be up and around. Especially when he had to ... sigh ... dress up. So he's got his best weddings-and-funerals suit on, which mostly fits him, and cheap dress shoes that a..."