Revision history of "16367/People you meet when you're just getting a sammich."

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  • curprev 15:13, 19 June 2024Liu talk contribs 10,151 bytes +10,151 Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/06/15 |Location=Arby's, Eastchester |Synopsis=Angelica stopped in for lunch and study time. By coinicidence, Nate Gray happened in as well. |Cast of Characters=1014, 1374 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1014|Firestar (1014)}} has posed:'''<br> Arby's. They have the meats. Lots of them. For her part, Angelica is already seated and has some less than common options on her tray. Instead of a sandwich, she has one of the gyros. It is..."