9371/The Morning Report

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The Morning Report
Date of Scene: 29 September 2019
Location: Rockman's Apartments
Synopsis: Kurt learns of what's been going on in Rahne's life the last few days. It's not all good.
Cast of Characters: Wolfsbane, Nightcrawler

Wolfsbane has posed:
A Mutant Town morning, though the amount of activity varies depending on how late various people stayed up. In Rahne's case, she's curled up within her bed, a thin cover over her. When there's fur, there isn't a need for a whole lot of extra warmth. It's almost there for the sake of being there. Her slumber has not been a very steady one, however. Tossing, turning, trying to find a comfortable position.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    In need of some comfort himself, but willing to make the trip - Kurt is through the window and along the ceiling - moving normally to avoid the smell of Brimstone to permeate, the sight of Rahne tossing and turning giving him pause before he drops silently to the floor, and then slinks up into the bed - nearby, waiting for one of the moments she rolls to put her near,
    "Hello darling..." is murmured, just enough that she may hear him in her dreams.

Wolfsbane has posed:
She hears it, all right. Soon feels as well, for an arm shifts and ends up coming into contact with his torso. There's a moment that includes a confused sound, then her eyes slowly crack open then widen. "..Kurt!" she blurts, almost hitting her head against the wall as she shifts around in place, a bit of a tangle in the cover.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Flinching and looking chided, Kurt tries to maintain the small smile he had been trying. "Sorry... small surprise. Was hoping it'd work... Just ended up giving a fright." brow knitting and and head ducking.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane waves it off with the same hand that had come into contact with him, which then goes to rub some of that eye crust away. "It's fine..it's th' thought tha' counts." She engages in a wide yawn, looking more tired than not. "Didna sleep verra well. Bad..bad dreams."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Head bowed a moment and daring to sidle in some and offer a fuzzy blue elf to lean against, Kurt's head tips, "What sorta nightmares? If you want to talk about it?" Kurt frowns, though more in fashion of concern for her while he gets comfortable in the bed.

Wolfsbane has posed:
The fuzzy blue elf may have ideas on trying to help. Instead, Wolfsbane worms her way out of the covers and off the bed entirely, trudging over to the bathroom to splash some water over her face in an attempt to help with her level of alertness. She's in just a long nightshirt. "Before I say any more, have ye been around th' last few days or no'?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
"No. I heard mother was spotted." Kurt's eyes seem to dim when she simply hops out of bed. Climbing out of the bed again he is back on the ceiling and moving into the corner where the shadows begin gathering around him. "I was avoiding the chance of seeing her." Slowly turning into a blue-black blob with glowing gold points peering out.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane's hands come to rest against the sides of the sink, her head down for a few seconds before she turns back around in the midst of finishing another wide yawn, head tilting at the new position he's found. Hair is a mess, not even tied back in the ponytail right now. She'll have to comb it out, something that was never a problem when it didn't grow out past short 'headfur' in the past. "Oh. I know she's..trouble," she murmurs, trying to put it delicately.

Then she asks, "Did I ever tell ye about someone who called himself Jeremy?" Just putting it that way..there's more to it.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Nein, my dear." Kurt offers from his corner, chin resting on his knees and arms wrapped around them. Hunkered there. "What about him do you need to tell me?" the Bavarian's shoulders sink back down and his tail has curled around his ankles, becoming still as a statue now to better hide away.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Exhaling, Wolfsbane watches Kurt and the way he seems to withdraw into himself, and she can't even get to the point yet of asking him to come down or move from the shadows. She's begun to learn when and how he broods, but it feels secondary to her right now.

"He..it's a bit o' a long story. I met him in th' woods near th' grounds months ago, an' he seemed tae be some kind o' magical shapeshifter. He seemed nice, old enough tae be a student but he didna go tae Xavier's. I never saw him again until this week."

Nightcrawler has posed:
     Nodding and listening at that, Kurt's head tilts to one side, "Magical type eh?" ears perking while he sits and watches, "Everything alright? Is that what caused the nightmares?" Trying to limit his questions while he tries to find what's happening, or happened.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane walks around the side of her bed, fetching a brush to go to work on her hair. She clutches it a little more tightly than is perhaps necessary. "I was around th' mansion this week an' he showed up on th' grounds, all bloodied an' hurt, an' there was this little girl trying tae get people's attention but she was just some sort o' magical fake, like...a beacon, I guess. I figured oot something was off but Illyana called it oot. Anyway, they got Jeremy inside tae fix him up an' Shannon healed a lot o' his hurts, but there was this sort o' decaying stuff about him, still."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Decaying? Decaying how?" Kurt's head lifts slightly. He's listening, even if only his head is moving and not much else. Kurt watches her for a moment longer before he slinks from the shadows like a cat, dropping down onto the bed and attempting to take the brush from her. "You talk, I'll tend. Ok?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Like, some magical..stuff. I dunno. I've never understood magic verra well," Wolfsbane says, sounding briefly frustrated in trying to explain it. She allows the brush to be removed from her hand, though he'll notice that grip he needs to pry it away from. She's tense.

"He asked me to give Shannon something as thanks, an' he made a little pendant o' an angel, but he was acting all weird tae me an' just after Dr. McCoy left, Jeremy just disappeared an' so did most o' th' mess tha' was wi' him." She's frowning. "I used th' pendant. He said he could be, I guess, reached if ye held th' pendant just so an' thought hard. So I did an' he answered. He said he just went home tae shower." If it's not making much sense to Kurt, imagine how it is for her.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt has dealt with weirdness. A lot of it. "That's why I don't trust magicians... So blasted odd, ja?" brushing her hair slowly now, brows knitting. "What is making you so upset with all of this? This is a different tense for you, mein darling." voice low as he studies her. "What's wrong?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane's response, coming while she looks at the far wall as if she's going to stare right through it, is, "Loki. He was Loki all along."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Blinking and shivering at that, Kurt's hands pause, his tail pauses and he doesn't seem to quite recall how to move. "Scheiße..." brow knitting and looking back to Rahne. "Are you ok?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
Both stand still, quiet. "I'm no' even sure whit he was after. I held on tae th' pendant for a few days, then when I went back tae see Shannon she told me a couple o' th' Avengers had been by an' tha's how they figured out it was Loki pretending tae be Jeremy. I still let her have th' pendant. She seemed tae understand Loki was a danger but she was hung up on th' idea o' it being a gift, anyway. I told her she had tae talk tae someone about it right away an' I heard she did." Okay? She doesn't answer that part yet.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Then she's in good hands in the mansion. What about you, Rahne?" the brush is down and his hands are on her shoulders, but Kurt doesn't try to move closer than that. Expecting distance still, and there's apprehension in his scent as well.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Apprehension on both sides. Neither are comfortable. Both on edge for different, yet ultimately similar reasons. "I dinna know if I'm a target or no', but I'll never forget whit he did in Asgard when we were there," she says in a near-whisper, accompanied by a quick shiver.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Frowning a little deeper, Kurt takes a bit of a risk as he knows it and attempts to put his arms around Rahne now. Brows knitting "Rahne... you can't go away if you're hurting, or worried. Talk to me, ja?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Whit do ye mean, go away?" Wolfsbane asks, and she steps back into the contact after a second or two. This has all clearly shaken her. "First Hela came back around an' brought me as if tae be judged by one o' her minions then sent me back, noo Loki again. I've already had enough wi' th' Sentinels tha' I never want tae see another one again."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "You go into your head, and I haf to come in and dig you out." Kurt frowns, "I wish you would seek comfort, sometimes. Even if it wasn't me you sought out. It would make me have hope that you won't always be trapped up in here" he turns and attempts to press a kiss to her temple, "I know I'm not much better at it sometimes, but maybe I can come running to you when I'm made upset, ja?" accent thickening as he continues now.
    "In this together, remember? Or for as long as you let us be us."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane offers an apology. "Sorry. I..had tae do tha' a lot when I was a wee bairn an' things were bad." A coping mechanism, from the sound of it. "I dinna mean tae push others away..or ye." It's easy for her to get stuck inside her own thoughts sometimes, to not act on something, or to shy away from aid. "Maybe we can both help each other wi' tha.'"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Taking the moment to wrap her up, "Well, we'll work on that, for the both of us." Kurt nods, resting his chin on her shoulder and nuzzling his cheek against her neck. "If you have something making... if you're feeling something, good, bad. I don't know. If you need to talk about something - tell me ok?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane's head moves in a nod of her own, and she returns the gesture more against an ear given their positioning. "Aye. In th' meantime, I'm hungry an' I know a nice spot doon th' block for breakfast. Wid ye like tae come wi'?" she wonders, adding, "I'd just have tae change first, o' course."