16144/One too many Lorna's..

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One too many Lorna's..
Date of Scene: 24 March 2024
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Havok, Rogue

Polaris has posed:
It's a warm and sunny Sunday afternoon in the park. Now that spring is here, the snow has already melted and people are out and about, playing, jogging, walking their dogs and what not. Lorna was hoping to enjoy a nice quiet stroll in the park. Unfortunately thanks to a certain green haired imposter that doesn't seem likely.

"Hey! Arent you the monster who kidnapped the Countess and all those kids? How dare you show your face here, freak!" a pack of four big burly and angry - and quite drunk looking mutants quickly surround her, glowering at her threateningly.
Havok has posed:
Havok smirks moving in front of Lorna. "You morons need to get your facts straight. It wasn't Lorna it was a woman who looks like her and wants to be her. I suggest you drunk pieces of shit walk away before things get ugly and you really piss me off." He growls his hands starting to glow as if charging to let out a nice jet of plasma at these drunkards. "Besides you're in mutant town, protected by me and mine!"
Polaris has posed:
"Don't you know who she is? She's a mad woman, she snapped in the past, she's snapping again! She can't be trusted!" most of the mutant thugs are smart enough to recognize a well known and powerful Xmen when they see one and they quickly flee, leaving just the biggest punk behind. "Buncha wimps! You don't scare me, punk!" he takes a swipe at Havok, attempting to punch him off his feet, and he does look pretty strong, maybe strength is his power Afterall.
Havok has posed:
Havok dodges and smirks. "Come after my girl come fucking after me." He snarls and raises those glowing fists. "Do you have any clue who I am pal? Any at all? Know what I'm capable of? That I can if I wanted melt the flesh straight off of your bones!"
Polaris has posed:
The thug eyes Alex's glowing fists and has a change of heart, pausing before he can hit him. "Ugh, whatever, you ain't worth my time..Seeya!" he lowers his fist and flees, probably for the best. Lorna sighs, watching him run. "They do have a point..I can't be trusted, at least not until we'd bring the imposter to Justice.." she frowns.
Havok has posed:
Havok shakes his head as he lets the power fades and turns to Lorna. "No babe, theyre acting like the same idiot humans who hate and fear us because they don't understand, because we are different. History isn't always doomed to repeat itself. And this is our town, our hood they can kiss off you know?"
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane bites her lip, considering that. "I get it, they're scared, doubly so when a mutant comes after one of their own..Just wish there were some way I could win back their trust..Where do we even begin looking for this imposter lady, and why is she even doing this?" she sighs, stepping towards him, taking his arm and smiles, "Thanks for coming to my rescue."
Havok has posed:
Havok smiles and pats her hand with his. "We will find her when we find her these things take time. As for why shes doing this, it seems she really thinks she's you, and wants me to be by her side." He says softly. "And I'll always come to your rescue Lorna, that's what it means to be in a relationship."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane groans and rolls her eyes, "Seems she's even more insane than I am..At least I have remorse for my actions. Who the hell does she think, trying to replace me, trying to steal you from me?!" her green eyes flare angrily at the thought. "we need. to stop her..But I no longer trust the Xmen..And recently I heard the Juggernaut robbed Star labs and seriously injured a green lantern.. He should not be allowed anywhere near the institute."
Havok has posed:
Havok shrugs his shoulders. "Trusting the X-Men will always be folly for us. My brother I don't know what the boy scout was thinking letting the Jug head in, but he did and there's nothing we can do to change it. But aside from Wolverine trying to get the professor to mess with your mind what has you so distrusting of them now?"
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane nods, "Yeah..But this takes the cake, I'm concerned for the safety of those kids, perhaps Scott was not in his right mind when he made that decision. Perhaps we should discuss it with the Professor. I just hate sitting around doing nothing when innocent lives are at stake.l"
Havok has posed:
Havok shakes his head. "Is the professor gonna try and get into your head again? If so than talking with him is a waist of time, Logan with that sensitive beak of his shoulda known that the impostor wasn't you!"
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane hmms. "it's true, doesn't seem anyone trusts me there either and that's just sad..If I return he might try again but, what can we do to protect those kids?"
Havok has posed:
Havok shrugs. "I don't know Lorna, I really don't know." He says simply. "But it's clear we cant count on them to help here, this is something we have to figure out on our own."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane nods, grabbing his hands and squeezing them. "I guess we can only trust each other right now..But with both Juggernaut and that imposter at large, can we really manage things on our own? too bad we can't get the old team back together huh. "
Havok has posed:
Havok smiles and nods his head giving her hands a reassuring squeeze. "Yes, well that's how we always worked best isn't it. Or we could try and put together a whole new team."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane chuckles, "A whole new team huh..Guess we just can't get away from the superheroics no matter how hard we try." she grins and winks, "Who was it who said 'with great power comes great responsibility..?'"
Havok has posed:
Havok rolls his eyes. "No one said anything about super heroics mind you. A team to figure out this situation and that's all Lorna. Nothin else, we want a peaceful normal regular life."
Rogue has posed:
Rogue comes in for a landing just within ear shot of at least one familiar face. Contrary to some popular beliefs, she's not in her 'standard' one piece wonder suit but instead sports jeans and a tee-shirt, her wild hair is tamed back in a ponytail with that white streak on display still. Seems she's gaining her bearings for at least a quick moment - likely deciding on where she wants to head.
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane smirks, "Alex, I've seen how you're always eyeing your old superhero uniform? Don't tell me you don't miss wearing it!" She glances around, thankful that those thugs who harrassed her earlier are long gone..Spying Rogue, she arches a brow towards her. "Oh hey, there's Rogue, wonder if she's here on duty? Shall we wave her over? Maybe she's heard something about 'Magnetrix'."
Havok has posed:
Havok shakes his head. "Miss wearing it? No, miss the fights, risking our lives, for those that hate us and fear us? No, Risking our lives for little to no thanks? Absolutely not. I look at it to remind myself just why it is that I wanted out." He says wrapping his arms around her waist before his attention is drawn to Rogue. "She ain't in uniform Lorn, I'm sure she ain't on duty. Sup?" He calls over at Rogue.
Rogue has posed:
Rogue glances over as she hears Havok's call out to her and gives a little smile, turning to walk towards where he and Lorna are talking. "Hey you two. Long time no see. How are things going?" Casual and courteous at least, but Havok is right. She's not on duty. At least not in any official X-Men capacity. "Just takin' a little break from the mansion," offering this without question, "thought I'd hit Fred's up for some food and maybe head to Evolution later."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane frowns, "I see, that's how it goes, huh?" she sighs, shaking her head, "Maybe we both just need to get away from all the drama, check out the canyons or mountains again, it's been too long and my mind is a mess." she leans in against Alex, nodding to Rogue. "It's been a while Rogue, we're doing pretty much the same, trying to take it easy, glad that spring has finally sprung. Fred's huh?" she smiles, "Sounds like fun, always liked their food. What do you think Alex, should we grab something to eat too?"
Havok has posed:
Havok nods his head. "Yea I can eat. And its as Lorna said Rogue, same shit you know? Though honestly this Magnetrix, Lorna look alike is making stuff really tough on Lorna. Fred's is always good, we can go share a meal with each other and than figure out what you and I want to do later. I don't mind hanging with Rogue for a bit if you two don't mind."
Rogue has posed:
"Ain't gonna put a hitch in my giddyup if that's what yer fearin'. I appreciate the company all the same." Rogue offers this much and then raises a brow at something that Havok says. "Magnetrix? Lorna look-alike? Maybe y'all can explain it to me when we've sat down for a meal." She says this much and then motions towards where Fred's is across the way - close by and all. "Yeah I like the food there too. I also hang out at Harry's from time to time when I'm lookin' for a drink as well. And this'll be my treat, if you two don't mind..."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane frowns, pulling back a bit. "On second thought, with all these ugly rumours that butch is spreading in my name, maybe it's best that I dint hit a populated area on a busy Sunday afternoon..Although I hate having my life dictated by another.."
Havok has posed:
Havok shakes his head. "Knock it off Lorna, we aint gonna stop going out because of the rumors, Someone tries to start shit again Ill blastem through a damned wall." Alex says honestly. "Let's go we can explain it to Rogue see what she thinks.
Rogue has posed:
Rogue holds her hands up after a moment. "I don't want you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable, Lorna. But Havok's right..." She offers. "You shouldn't let somethin' like this dictate yer life. Makes for a very lonely existence... and if y'all can explain it to me and I can do anything to help, I'm happy to. Beats sittin' around the mansion doing fuck all unless Logan get a thorn up his ass."
Havok has posed:
Havok glances to Rogue. "I'd appreciate you not mentioning him in our presence. First off he should have been able to tell the imposter was an imposter he was there when she showed up at the pond. But super beak cant smell that she wasnt Lorna. Secondly acting all friendly he brings Lorna in so Xavier could mind screw her to confirm yes or no. He needs to stay out of things that don't concern him. I've known Lorna longer than most of you guys here he should trust my judgement if not his own sense of smell."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane smiles and shrugs, "Nah, it's fine, I hate having to hide in my own town. If anyone else wants to mess with me, screw 'em.." when Logan's name is mentioned she scowls a bit. "I guess Magnetrix was pretty convincing but I thought he would have sniffed her out easily..But I suppose I do have a reputation for..Losing my mind.." she rolls her eyes. "However, having seen Magnetrix with my own eyes, I know for certain that I am not the one committing all the crimes around town.."
Rogue has posed:
Rogue blinks a couple times and then looks away for a moment before looking back to the duo. "Won't mention him again." It's easy enough to do, so long as no one asks about her dating life - not that anyone really knows she -has- a dating life these days. "Geez. That surely don't sound like a good time... and if you wanna explain a bit to me, I'm all ears." Then she looks to Lorna directly. "You ain't the only one with any certain type of reputation... but that don't mean yer a bad person and if that copy of you can be stopped...well..." She shrugs. "Anyway. Food? Yes? Shall we?"
Havok has posed:
Havok nods his head. "Yea the point Im making here is Logan should have been able to tell this chick wasn't Lorna by scent, and even if he couldn't Laura was there and should have been able too as well, so why either one of them suspected it was Lorna behooves me." He says as he moves towards Fred's. "Yes yes we should get food." Alex says with a grin.
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane arches a brow at Rogue and smirks. "Heh, almost forgot, guess we got that in common..A little girls chat sometime might do the both of us us good huh."

She nods, taking Alex's arm as they head for said burger joint. "Hmm I forget what isSundays special.."
Rogue has posed:
Rogue nods at Havok. "No, I absolutely see your point and completely agree with you..." Which means she files this information away to talk to He-Who-Shant-Be-Named later. As they make their way to Fred's, she side eyes Lorna and gives a chuckle and a nod. "Yeah, could probably use a nice girls chat... Ain't got much goin' on so... I should give you my number or something and we can set something up." Offering this before she shrugs. "I never look at the specials. I kinda stick to the same order everytime I go."
Havok has posed:
Havok chuckles and moves to open the door to Fred's as they get close, he pulls it open and gives an exaggerated flourish of a bow. "After you Ladies." He says putting on his best terrible British butler accent.
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane hmms, "Ahh you're a creature of habit huh?" she chuckles at Alex's terrible accent, shaking her head as she steps in and looks for a quiet booth table near the back. "Me? I like to try something different every time.."
Rogue has posed:
"Habits is what keeps me mostly out of trouble. Though if something looks good, or is recommended, I may steer off the path and try it." There's a brow raised at Havok and the accent, a chuckle given with a shake of her head. "Maybe don't try to be a voice actor..." She quips at him and then follows along to wherever Lorna or Alex decide to seat themselves.
Havok has posed:
Havok raises a brow. "I intentionally did a terrible fake style accent. I'd be a dang good voice actor thank you very much." He playfully quips back.
Rogue has posed:
Rogue lifts a single brown and then gives a giggle. "Alright, alright. Don't get yer panties in a twist... Was just a joke." Saying this much more with a grin as she slides into the booth chosen. "Alright. So we have an alt-Lorna running around doing bad things...so...is there any idea on how to stop her? Them? It?"