15980/Big Trouble, Little Gotham

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Big Trouble, Little Gotham
Date of Scene: 19 January 2024
Location: Upper West Hill, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Robin (Wayne), X-23

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Another night in Gotham City.

The rain falls heavily from the black heavens, clouds seen on occasion with flashes of lightning. Very rarely can one see the moon through the density of what lies above them. But there's something in the sky that no other city can say that they have: A brilliant golden light blasts into the sky, with a single shape in the center of it. A shape that all innocents can look up and see hope in it.

A shape that inspires fear in all others.

A shape that sends not the Dark Knight...but someone very much so like him. He is enshrouded in a hooded cloak as he walks along the rooftops. He looks down below, white film covering the eyes narrow ever so slightly when he sees a drug deal in the making.

Two gangs, by the looks of it. One gang wearing Jerseys of various teams, but the team name is crossed out, and instead spell 'Bloods' while the other side seem to be some kind of Yakuza affiliate. Lots of tattoos, dark suits, gold chains. Seems each one of them has some form of firearm, ranging from handguns to automatic weaponry.

This is going to be easy.

Robin stalks the night.
X-23 has posed:
Laura Kinney has been visiting Gotham more of late. Had a weird encounter here around the holidays with some crazy ass clown girl. Seemed kinda sketchy. And, of course, she met Robin last year here and they'd had an interesting encounter. Some chemistry, some prickly bits, too. Laura always came with prickly bits.

She's wearing a hoodie with her hands in her pockets, head downs, the trailing lengths of her long dark hair spilling down alongside the strings of the hood. Jeans, beat up sneakers. She likes to walk the bad neighborhoods. She dares someone to prey on her. Try it.

She finds herself approaching the two gangs, the scent of gun oil and bad nerves and unwashed men. She scrunches her nose a bit. But she doesn't turn away. She grows closer. Especially when she catches Robin's scent on that same wind...
Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Robin has the high ground advantage.

Yet, as he's watching the deal take place where the two 'leaders' of the tradeoff seem to be meeting up. His eyes ever forward. He draws his blade, a slow and calculated thing. He was ready for a fight. But something catches the corner of his eyes as the film's HUD system began to identify a VERY familiar figure and someone who Damian had grown to care for at this point in time.


He frowns.

But he knows her abilities. He knows how she works. When he descends? It's with a vengeance. Sword is brandished and pebbles drop from his hand towards the ground. Only they're not pebbles at all! They're smoke bombs!! Smoke immediately emits from them and Robin immediately goes to work, taking out both leaders with the same kick! Knocking their heads together until they flop into an unconscious heap.

Done and done!

Now it's for the rest, as bullets start to fly immediately into the chaos.
X-23 has posed:

Guns change the equation. Yeah, she can take bullets, but they suck and they hurt and it means they're trying to kill her. She doesn't kill, she doesn't need that kind of heat in Gotham, but she certainly isn't gentle.

She maims, savaging a few across the face, slicing another along the ribcage. Taking fingers. Headbutting noses into crunched remains, leaking blood in a gusher down their front.

Most of this she does in a matter of minutes, barely provoked. The training is bone deep in her, wired from the second she started to be. These were the first lessons she learned, before she learned to read.

The smoke doesn't stop her. She can sell them, feel them. But it does tell her that Robin is here.

"Pretty boy," she says.
Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Bullets are flying and Robin is deftly staying out of hte way of fire. It's not his problem if people kill each other via stupidity, criminals killing each other before he has the chance to arrive is not his problem. Two criminals drop from bullet wounds easily enough, no healing factor or armor to protect them. They goran, they cry out...

And Laura is cutting throug hthem like butter. Headbutting noses, slicing across ribcages, piercing through guns before they can shoot at her.

Though two more men have her in their sights and Robin throws two Birdarangs (basically Batarangs) to plug their firearms, causing them to implode immediately in their hands. "Claw Girl." He smirks at her ever so faintly. "Thought we had a discussion about cutting people up in Gotham." He remarks to her with a little bit of a grin.

"Want to help me take care of these clowns?"
X-23 has posed:
Laura Kinney grunts, "I thought I already was," she says.

She kicks another guy hard in the balls, with enough force to take him up off his heels for a second, collapsing in a heap and clutching at himself. That only earns him another kick in the gut. Laura has learned a small measure of mercy and compassion. But not for shitbags like these.

There's a sharp crack and she winces as she takes a gunshot low in the torso, just above her hip. Soaking her jeans crimson as she lashes out, shredding the gun and then giving the guy a hard stab of his own, place close to where his bullet had hit her, "Let's see how you like it."
Robin (Wayne) has posed:
"You are." Robin smirks her way.

The man Laura kicks in the balls practically knocks his groin straight into his throat, the man screaming as he collapses to the ground, certain to never have children for the remainder of his days. A second kick keeps him down, now holding his groin AND trying to breath deep to get his air back after it was thrust out of him.

She gets shot!

Damian suddenly, a leap into the air and a kick hits the gunmen who shot her, nailing him in the head and knocking him to the ground. "Stabbing." He remarks softly, before he's suddenly leaping into the smoke, taking out three men in quick succession. A punch tot he throat here, a kick to the groin there, a sudden swing of his blade to the back of the knees, a knee-strike to the jaw immediately after.
X-23 has posed:
Laura Kinney snarls and takes out one last gangster, backhanding him as she withdraws her claws. She pushes against the wall for a second, "God dammit," she mutters. The pain is already starting to recede, her skin sealing over the wound which can be seen from the torn hole in her shirt from the gunshot.

"Don't stress, already better," she says to Damian, looking around at the battered scumbags around her. "You gonna call the cops? Handcuff 'em?" she says. She's clearly just as content to leave them behind, but she knows superhero types have their protocols. She lights a cigarette, looking down at her ruined jeans and sighing, "I liked these fuckin' pants."