15921/A simple Christmas Inside

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A simple Christmas Inside
Date of Scene: 26 December 2023
Location: Logan's Room (North Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Rogue

Wolverine has posed:
In Logan's room is a small Christmas tree. Obviously, it's fake with a gold plastic. Where the tree goes a light shines upward. The light passes through a piece of plastic that alternates between various colors. This causes parts of the trees, built in bulbs, and similar, change colors. Beneath the tree is a small box, about the size of a couple of DVD's together and another wrapped present that's about the size of a nine by thirteen baking pan. It has a little bit of heft when picked up, but not too much.

Both are wrapped in red and white striped wrapping paper. Something simple with a tag that says "For Anne Marie" and the "From" part is unwritten. Logan's laying on the bed watching Die Hard. Ocean blue eyes focused on the screen. A bottle of beer in hand. He just enjoys a quiet night. Logan figures Rogue s up and about doing whatever she needs to do.
Rogue has posed:
The door to the bedroom opens some time between the beginning and middle of the movie that Logan is watching. Anne Marie coming in with her arms full of a few items wrapped in black and gold christmas paper. She peeks over the bundle in her arms and smiles towards Logan. "Merry Christmas..." Saying this to him before moving to unload her arms nearish to the little tree, likely putting some of the items on the floor. "Sorry I'm late. Took a bit to find a couple of the items I wanted to get for you." And then she had to wrap them, tho where she did this and how she acquired the paper is likely to stay a mystery. After a moment she looks to the television and gives a quiet chuckle. "So you're on Team Die Hard is a Christmas Movie, eh?"
Wolverine has posed:
"Merry Christmas Darlin'," Logan gets up to try and help. "Ya didn't need to get me anythin'." He will try to help. "I'm team Die Hard One n' Two count as Christmas films," he says honestly the smile turning to a smirk. "How ya been?" he asks knowing t's been a littl bit due to everything going about.

"Yer not?" Logan asks Rogue about Die Hard as ocean blue eyes focus on her.
Rogue has posed:
"Been alright. And don't give me that. You may think you're slick, Logan, but I know you. There's presents for me from you so therefore you get presents too..." Rogue grins then, letting him help her unload her arms before she shifts a bit to greet him with a kiss. "Mmn, I'm on Team Undecided... I ain't really seen either movie, and I don't understand why action movies with no Christmas themes are deemed Christmas films..." She gives a little grin. "But maybe you can sway my mind.."
Wolverine has posed:
Logan stares at her for a moment. "Ain't tryin' to be slick fer once. Just sayin' ya don't have to. Ain't gonna stop ya if ya do," Logan does try to figure out what she got him. He -is- curious after all. Still, nothing gets shaken. He is tempted. Ocean blue eyes slip back toward Rogue. "You'll be on team watchin' it tonight after presents," Logan hits the pause button and he's ready to go back to beginning at the drop of a hat.

"What yer favorite Christmas movie?" Logan asks since she didn't say the obvious winner, Die Hard. S, that makes hm curious. "Should we put that on?" he'll ask. Rogue can tell he's trying. Logan knows he's not traditional.
Rogue has posed:
"Well I wanted to this year so..." Rogue smirks and watches him, knowing he's curious about whats in all the packages. The reason why it took her longer is because she went to Canada to find some things that only exist there. Treats and such that maybe Logan might be a bit nostalgic for. Though she doesn't know much about the Canuck and his favorite sort of treats. Except for beer. She has a six pack of that wrapped up cause it's special from the actual brewery. "You can open your presents now if you want. I probably didn't do that good of a job..." She grins.

"I don't have one. Honestly. You know me... celebrating holidays and birthdays... it ain't really normal for me... but I'm tryin'. Cause I want to celebrate these things. With you." She offers this much as an explanation and grins. "So we can just watch Die Hard."
Wolverine has posed:
"Then ya should open yers first. Get used to the idea." Logan will hand her the smaller of the two gifts. He will simply wait for her to open it. Inside is a pair of sleek, black opera gloves. They's almost see through. Very fashionable and made of fine fabrics that are meant to cover, but breathe like Egyptian cotton. "If somethin' ever happens wit' yer powers or for something fancy. Ya don't gotta dress up fancy, but I know Southern Belle n' all," Logan looks down a little, a little nervous and unsure how she wuld like the first gift.
Rogue has posed:
Rogue takes the gift from him and gently unwraps it. Almost being careful so she doesn't tear the paper and when she finds the box inside and the gloves, she gives a little gasp. "Oh Logan. These are lovely... That's a really thoughtful gift." She smiles, gives him a kiss, and then carefully sets them aside. "Okay. Then we'll take turns. So you can open..." She picks up a medium sizes rectangular box. When he opens it, it's a box of maple cookies, but the special thing about them is that they are a rare find - even when you live in Canada. Like him, she's nervous, because of all the things she knows about Logan - favorite snacks are far down on the list.
Wolverine has posed:
Logan starts to work on the gift then he stares at the cookies. "I'm partial to maple bacon donuts due to Canada darlin'. I don't have sweets too often, but I lean toward maple when I can," Logan takes the cookies. Right then and there he starts to open them. He takes a generous bite out of one. Slowly chewing on it, his eyes close and he gives a simple series of nods. When it goes down he says, "A good steak n' cookies like this is why people say a key to a man's heart is his stomach," and then he wipes the hands clean, despite not finishing the cookie. Then he will hand her the other gift.

As Rogue works on the package, he works on the rest of that cookie.

Inside is a simple white box, clearly clothes of some kind. Inside is a black leather coat staring up at her. Well cared for, and excellently made, the coat is there for her to put on. Clearly in her size, Logan just waits to see the reaction. As it looks like it could fit at home at a biker rally or a fancy party. It just depends on what else Rogue wears with this.
Rogue has posed:
Rogue chuckles, but there's a smile on her face after having watched him eat the cookie, practically diving into the box right after opening the present. "I suppose such is true. I am glad you like them..." Offering this before taking the next gift from him and opening it. She has to set it down to open the box and then pulls out the jacket. "Oh man..." She moves so she can put the jacket on, tugging it against her form until it's fitted on her just right. "This is amazing. Now we almost match... at least when we're going somewhere on your bike." She grins then before glancing down at the gift he has left to open. It's the beer. "I feel bad now... all I got you was stuff to eat and drink... you got me stuff that's going to last a while."
Wolverine has posed:
"I'm easy to please. Food. Drink. And y'know the other ways. Get me another box of these cookies and ya might not get 'rid o' me," and he grins at her. "Glad ya like yer stuff," he gives her a simple yet soft smile. "I know ya like yer brown number, but I wasn't sure if ya ever wanted to try somethin' darker." He is still a little unsure on that one.
Rogue has posed:
"My brown number is the one I took from you...remember?" Rogue says this with a chuckle and then looks herself over. "I actually love the black, and I guess this means you can have your jacket back now..." A laugh comes from her then as she takes the jacket off and goes to hang it up in Logan's closet. The brown jacket is there as well. Then she remembers, "Oh I guess I have that one brown one, but it's getting old and I think I've grown out of it a bit... cause I got it several years ago." She completes that thought and then turns towards him. "Soooo... naked cuddles and movie watching then?"
Wolverine has posed:
"Ya can keep th brwn on, too," Logan says softly as he looks at her. He does remember Rogue taking it. He wll snag t from the closet then hand it to her. "Merry Christmas," and yes, Logan gfts it to her. So, he waits tos ee if she'll take that to. A moment later she brings up cuddles. "i guess we can do that," Logan smrks and then makes sure the movie is ready.