15877/It's Worth It.

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It's Worth It.
Date of Scene: 09 December 2023
Location: Lowtown, Madripoor
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Rogue

Wolverine has posed:
A letter comes to Logan's house. There's no postal stamp and the thing is in Japanese. Logan will read it and the eyes narrow. Despite the apparent anger, he still takes great care of the letter. "Someone that I know passed n' I gotta retrieve somethin' special," he says to Rogue. "Don't come wit' me, you'll have a week alone. Do come wit' you'll need hair dye, a fancy dress I can buy ya, n' maybe a hair straightener," he says letting Rogue pick her choice, but context helps.

"Got lotta enemies in Madripoor. That's where it's at. Think if Gotham had an Eastern cousin n' no boogeyman to scare people," he lays all the cards out on the table for Rogue. "And clothes. Somethin' that don't look like ya would wear it every day. N' a cover name," he keeps adding t the list.

Clearly it's not a question of -if- they'll get jumped, but there are questions of "When" and "How often." He put it out there for Rogue. It's a big ask on short notice. That's why she's getting the out.
Rogue has posed:
Rogue raises a brow as soon as Logan reads that letter and then suddenly begins talking about going to Japan and how if she goes with him, listing all these things she would have to do. However, there's seeming no question in her mind it seems as she says, "I'll dye it black, cut it a bit, straighten it out. Dress. Clothes. We'll lay as low as we can while you do whatever it is you need to do." She says this much more, looking Logan over and then shifts to fold her arms against her chest. "So. What is this thing you have to go get since this friend of yours died?"
Wolverine has posed:
Logan just gruffs, "Just somethin' personal n' keepin' my promise to a dead man," he says and yes, that's not helpful. He probably knows it's not helpful. "When can ya get all that done," Logan will move to the philosophical poster he keeps on the wall. He'll pull it down. Behind it is a small wall safe. He begins to work at the combination and from there he pulls out a set of keys. Then he puts the painting back in place.

"Lockbox key," he says just explaining it. "I keep my Madripoor souvenirs in it," he says to her. It's clear what Logan will be doding if Rogue elects to dye her hair now.
Rogue has posed:
"I can likely get it all done within 24 hours." Rogue says this much. "Shorter if I can find someone in Mutant Town who can do my hair. I'll just get all of it done in Mutant Town. Shouldn't be too hard." This much more is offered before she watches him grabbing that lockbox key. "Fair enough. Let me go work on what I need to do..." Of which she'll go off and do just that, trying to figure out all the things she'll need, but she'll manage everything in the time frame given.
Wolverine has posed:
Logan will call out, "Hey!" Then a black piece of plastic hits her. "Nothin' cheap! They got an eye fer low quality," on a better night he might have made a comment about her getting something for them. however, now isn't the tim even if the thought lasts for point zero-zero three seconds n hs mind. And that's when Logan will head to the lockbox location.

A few hours before he returns to thee rom wth a small duffle bag that looks quite full. Logan will breathes out and then just relax for a moment. He knows Rogue will need more time. That's fine. He's just not usd to Madrpoor busness waiting. However, having Rogue there would be a big help. It's why he gave her the choice. That and the beating he'd recieve if he just did it. No warnng to her.
Rogue has posed:
Rogue blinks as she's hit by a small piece of plastic, then turns to grab it and finishes walking out the door. It's going to take a bit. She gets a trim, her hair straightened and dyed pitch black. It's likely a few hours after Logan arrives back at the room that Rogue finally gets back. She's carrying bags with her. Several in each hand, and not the cheap branded stuff either. Likely not looking much like herself now. "Alright. I got about as much as I could think of getting. Plus a dress. Should be good..."
Wolverine has posed:
"Look good. We need a name fer ya. Maybe a bit of an attitude change. Think of it like actin'. Gotta sell a part," he says just pointing that out. Rogue would need to compliment places they will be treading.

"Who was the kinda woman ya thought I'd be not before we started to do things?" Logan asks honestly as he is thnking of an idea. Something slowly coming together.