15078/Drink of the Champions

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Drink of the Champions
Date of Scene: 13 May 2023
Location: Mel's Diner - Breakstone
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Red, Pink Ranger

Red has posed:
Saturdays in the diner usually are not as slow as during the week, because people actually try to have time to go here, and there are even people passing through. Just like Alice is, taking a stop on her way out to run her cosplay club out at Xaviers. Yawning as she steps into Mel's, she shields her eyes against the low hanging sun for a moment as it comes back to haunt her, then she offers a little smile to the waitress. "I need a coffee..." she mutters as she takes a seat at the counter.

Red blouse, ginger hair, a black pleated skirt to almost the knee and boots that must have been a pain to get on, because they reach higher than the lower edge of the skirt and lack a zipper, straps and buckles.
Pink Ranger has posed:
Another trip to New York, another competition, Kimberly was enjoying the time and what might as well have been an actual 'chill morning'. No random alien attacks, not even more 'mundane' crimes to deal with. In fact, with her victory recently her trainer had even given her the morning (mostly) off and after a few exercises she was headed to the cafe to enjoy a coffee and treat.

Maybe she'd even indulge in a little shopping!

Herself wrapped in pair of dark pants and a pink hoodie jacket wrapped around her shoulders. Hair tied back in a neat brunette ponytail, the girl pushed her way through the door not long behind Alice, she stepped up behind the other woman before giving a little smile. "Hey, love the skirt."
Red has posed:
As someone talks to her, the redhead turns the head, tilting the head a moment as she glances back, a soft smile on her lips. "Ah, thanks. It's just a simple pleated skirt, not like... something people really think about I thought... Eh, you get a coffee too?" she asks, gesturing to the empty chair next to her. "I'm Alice."
Pink Ranger has posed:
"Sure but...Sometimes it's the simple things that ties an outfit together right? And they really add to the boots," she offers with a grin before the offer of the chair earns a nod and a little grin. "Mmmn, yeah. Perfect thing for an early morning, right?"
Red has posed:
"Simple thing? Well, pleating the fabric is a pain but it does appear simple, true. You think it adds to the boots? Thanks! I thought the boots speak by themselves..." she notes, nodding to the allegation of coffee being perfect. "Gets the champions going."
Pink Ranger has posed:
A raise of Kim's brow and she chuckles, shrugging her shoulders. "I admit, I'm more a 'wearer' than 'maker'," she offers before laughing. "Is that another way to say 'breakfast of champions or...?"
Red has posed:
"Kinda, just it isn't breakfast but the base for the meal. I mean... I think some eggs and bacon are in order once the brain's all booted. As for maker... well, I am one. I mean, I do costumes and props and all." Alice explains, smiling some.
Pink Ranger has posed:
"That -does- sound kinda amazing," she offers lightly before giving a little soft 'Ooooh!' at the explaination. "Costumes and props? On broadway or whatever?" Kim questions lightly before gesturing around. "Or more of a 'movies and stuff' thing?"
Red has posed:
"Nah, just a little costume shop I work for. I do stuff for groups like the 501st, doing cosplay with a bunch of kids, at times a movie prop or something. Not like Theatre but like... if you want to look like Lara Croft, you can get the whole kit but the nip tuck and cosmetic surgery at the shop." Alice muses, giving a little wink.
Pink Ranger has posed:
"Oh cool! Like, charity stuff and that? Halloween things?" Kimberly questions before giving a little laugh at the comparison and shrugging her shoulders. "I mean, I think last time I dressed up it was as Wonder Woman...but it's a little weird now that I met her at a party to think about doing that now..."
Red has posed:
"Eh, at times, but most of the time I do it for hard cash. I mean, got to eat and al." Alice explains with a little blush, reachign for her coffee. "I once did dress up as a Green Lantern, but most of the time... something with boots. I do love them high."
Pink Ranger has posed:
"I do love a good pair of boots," Kimberly offers lightly before grinning. "Although I did pick up this great pair of ankle-strap heels...."

Musing on shopping victory drifting quickly, she instead makes to give a little soft 'oh' as she takes a sip of her drink. "Makes you wonder though, so many of the mutant heroes and aliens and stuff...who makes their costumes? Is there like a tailor or...?"

After all, her suit was just...part of the alien magi-tech that was her power coin.
Red has posed:
"Oh, depends. X-Men got their own machine to make strange molecule costumes, Mr. Stark made his own, Thor has an armorer somewhere in Asgard and half the Avnegers I think wears van Dyne... or Pym? no idea." Alice muses, chuckling a moment as she remembers a few oddball things. "Though I did make a costume for a real green lantern once! And I put Clint Barton in a bodice."
Pink Ranger has posed:
"Huh," Kim muses as the answers are listed off before the last comment makes her eyes widen and a laugh errupt. "You're kidding. The arrow guy?" she questions, tilting her head. "Is that like...a superhero costume party thing or...?"
Red has posed:
:laughs and shakes her head. "Nope! He was on like a LARP or something and wanted to like... go undercover and then decided to wear a dress. So... yea, strapped that purple guy in a bodice with padding and then into a fake fantasy dress... gosh, he looked soo goofy."