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Garth (Scenesys ID: 9660)
"I thought I could never be a whole man without knowing my heritage! I know now I was never so wrong in my life... a man isn't measured by where he comes from, but by what he does with his life! And I've lead a good life -- I am my own man!"
Full Name: Garth
Gender: Male
Species: Atlantean
Theme: DC (FC)
Occupation: Prince, Diplomat, Adventurer, & Titan
Citizenship: Kingdom of Atlantis
Residence: Titans Tower & Atlantis
Education: Private Tutoring
Status: Dropped
Groups: Titans, Mystic Arts
Other Information
Apparent Age: 26 Actual Age: 26
Date of Birth 15 March 2002 Actor: Asa Butterfield
Height: 1.82 Meters Weight: 102 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Violet
Theme Song: "Strange Magic" by Electric Light Orchestra (ELO)
"Octopus's Garden" by the Beatles


The purple Eyed prince of the Idylists, Garth of Shayeris is a part of two worlds, but is also apart from both. Atlantean Magi of his eye coloration are regarded as ill omens and dangerous; they are abandoned on the rocks of the Reef of Mercy. Garth, the sun of a deposed King, was abandoned there by his mother. Atlan, the first king of Atlantis, or some remnant of him took mercy upon his descendant. Trained and returned to Atlantis, Garth would become one of the aides of the Aquaman. He would go on to help found the Teen Titans with his childhood friends. He defends both the Surface World and Atlantis. Busy, isolated, lonely, and wielding powers that worry him, Garth does his best to balance all the demands his place in the world settles squarely upon his shoulders.

Current Player Approved: Not Applicable



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Garth is a confident young man in his early twenties. Standing about an inch or so under six feet, Garth is athletic and muscular but not as imposing as some other men. His thick black hair has a gentle wave at it that suggests it curls if it gets too long, but it is currently worn in an artful disarray to his collar. His oval face is regal with a pale complexion that contrasts with his dark hair. Under expressive dark brows Garth's violet eyes regard the world with a confident, perceptive gaze that can lend him an isolated, or slightly melancholy air. His features are otherwise princely with a sculpted jawline. When Garth speaks, his voice is a baritone that is pitched a little lower, inviting the others to listen to him rather than merely hear him. Twin, arcing scars lend character to his features; twin razor like cuts that narrowly missed damaging his right eye run from his forehead to just below the orbit of his right eye.

He's built like a swimmer with broad shoulders, a powerful chest and narrow hips. There is little spare flesh to Garth. His arms are heavily muscled with a pronounced bicep. His hands are large but still possess deft, clever fingers. His belly is hard muscle. Garth has powerful legs, an elegant gait and his movements are accomplished with no wasted motion as if he does not have time for it.

Tempest is clad in his right light blue uniform. His Shoulders are covered in black with silver, tribal swirls and points decorating it. There are no sleeves on the uniform, showing his tattooed arms. Swirls of dark blue decorate his left and right biceps, with the left arm tattoos continuing down to the wrist while the right stop before the elbow. Black bracers marked with matching silver to his shoulders are the only protection on his arms. His chest is clad in almost shimmering sky blue scale-like fabric that clings to his defined chest and belly like a second skin. A silver metallic ridge serves as a stylized integrated belt adding structure without the aquadynamic drag of an actual belt.

The fabric darkens to a deep oceanic blue below the waist. Garth's swimmer's legs are outlined in stark relief by the material. A stiff fin decorates the calves of the uniform, as if to assist in swimming. The fin ends high on the calf, where a heavier cloth boot begins. The boot is black with a silver trim and a textured sole but it is lightweight to be worn underwater.


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Atlantis was a magic wielding ancient empire. It was the cradle of human civilizations. The Egyptians, the Mayans, the Greeks all knew of it and in some ways were influenced by it. The Magi and other groups claim descent from the Atlanteans, but in their pride and vainglory, they ruined it and mighty Atlantis sank. Some of the men and women there were able to use magic to survive there under the sea. There was a prophesied savior.

Garth is not that guy. Garth is his former sidekick. Garth's Dad. Thar, was king of a splinter group of mystics and pacifists call the Idylists who split from Poseidonis to settle and founded Shayaris, an utopia in the Hidden Valley. Thar was deposed after he used ancient and forbidden magics to trap his brother in a dark dimension rather than allow him to usurp the throne and enslave the Idylists. The spell doomed his line, or so he thought, to magical potential and cost Thar his life when his subjects murdered him upon finding out what he did. Berra, Thar's wife fled with her unborn son to Poseidonis. She gave birth to a purple eyed baby boy, Garth. Purple eyes were the sign of magical power. Believing her son to be the doom of the Idylists. Berra took her son to the Mercy Reef and left him there to die.

He survived for a couple of days, though was psychologically scared by schools of fish and had a phobia of schooling fish well into his teenage years. A magus, Atlan himself, or a fragment of the consciousness of him, or a time traveling one, even Garth is uncertain, took Garth in and raised him until he was seven, teaching him to survive and laying the foundation for Garth's magical awakening. Garth's family was royal indeed, for Thar had the blood of Atlan, as did his son Garth; he could communicate with fish. Garth was kingly.

It was no coincidence when Orin found the boy child. Orin was young, but Garth was younger yet. Garth adventured with Orin and others, becoming a founder of the Teen Titans. Ocean Master, a foe of Orin put a wedge between the two young Antlanteans and Garth left Orin for a time, instead searching out his mother and returning her to her throne. Their relationship is strained; she left him to die, after all. The outcast, though his exile repealed, would never be truly welcome, even when he sat upon the throne. Instead, Atlan reappeared and offered to teach Garth magic. He was gone for a few years, and when he returned, he pledged his service to the only other 'parent' he had ever really had other than Atlan about him, his king, Orin. calling himself Tempest, Garth is a defender of the ocean, his king's confident, envoy, and maybe even a hero.


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Cool, calm, collected and inherently decent almost to a fault, so decent some people worry he is too good for heroics. Garth is the even-keeled prince of the Idylists and the capable, compassionate hand of his king; Orin, the Aquaman. Lonely, introspective and insecure as a child through some trials and tribulations Garth has grown into a confident, if at times reserved and private young man and a capable, dedicated assistant to the man who is the closest he's ever had to a father.

Garth is the sort of man to quietly and respectfully speak a hard truth to his king, then do as he is told in the most efficient, merciful manner. Polite and perceptive, Garth is comfortable listening first. Some people take his silence for foolishness, but Garth usually takes their running mouth as proof of theirs. Better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to be known as one.

Garth is not afraid of violence. He simply does not relish it. When pushed to do violence, he is quick, decisive, effective, and does it without joy or enjoyment. When it is necessary it is necessary, no more and no less. He shows mercy when he can.

While Garth is a fundamentally good person, he is not a saint. When his patience frays, he is the sort to yell and cajole. Under extreme fear or uncertainty, he tends to blurt out something, usually an ironic one liner, but still, it is a cue that he is under duress. What is worse, is he can be pushed too far. When that happens, it is not pretty, as when a good and just man puts aside his principles, the anger is too much. Unused to just letting the rage wash over him and using its might, it is best that a good man has friends to pull him back from the brink as there is nothing worse than when a good man goes to war and the moral strength that restrains his might slackens and falls to the wayside.

Garth has abandonment issues and can at times suffer from Imposter syndrome. He has a nagging sense of self-doubt that undercuts him at times. He was, after all, abandoned to die on a reef because of the color of his eyes. He is regarded as both a savior and a devil, sometimes by the same people. Sometimes he is certain that he should have been allowed to die on that reef.

Garth can also, at times, be goaded into reckless acts.


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As an Atlantean, Garth's body is amphibian, allowing him to breath and function in both water and air without penalty. His body also contains amino acids and other proteins that allow him to ignore deep oceanic cold and the intense pressure of the depths. He does not suffer decompression sickness and has improved buoyancy and an improved internal mechanism to prevent vertigo. Garth can naturally orient himself vertically as he can detect which way is. Garth also swims at at speeds of approximately 100 miles an hour with the capacity to swim for up to three days before exhaustion.

As an Atlantean, Garth has an improved Reflex system, able to react to stimuli at speeds that are better than the best huma, though not at superspeeds. Garth's hearing and vision are greatly improved over the human baseline. He has low light vision that allows him to see in the dark water of deep oceans and his hearing is superior to most terrestrial animals; if he can hear something there is a good chance he can strike it. His sense of taste is both different than and more acute than humans allowing his taste poison in pizza, for example.

Atlanteans are innately more durable and stronger than baseline humans. Garth is stronger than the average Atlantean male due to his royal lineage and can lift and heave a cement truck with ease. He can lift a fully laden semi truck overhead (About 40 tons), but that is about the extent of his might. He can sustain far more blunt force than he can dish out, able to go a few rounds with his mentor before succumbing to his injuries. Bullets and most terrestrial weapons are of no concern.

His Atlantean physiology is also proof against most toxins and poisons, giving him him an excessively high tolerance for alcohol, and enabling him to eat substances humans cannot. He has a similar ability to minimize fatigue toxins and can exert himself at full capacity for a couple of days before succumbing to fatigue. Should he be injured, Garth's bolstered body recovers from injury at an improved rate compared to humans.

Garth also can expect to live for thousands of years without ill effect as an Atlantean magic user.

Energy Projection:
Garth possesses potent abilities to project magical energies. With his left hand, Garth can generate magical heat in jets of flame or pure thermal energy sufficient to melt rock to lava underwater, meaning it is thousands of degrees. With his right hand, Garth controls magical cold sufficient to instantly freeze dozens of cubic meters of super compressed seawater. He can narrow the focus of his blasts to use them on areas about as big around as one of his fingers with great accuracy out hundreds of feet.

Similarly, Garth can project potent magical blasts from his eyes or eyes. They tend to be violet in color, and highly accurate due to him firing them at things he is gazing upon. He can punch through a foot of armored metal with them and blow a hole in it large enough for himself and a couple of others to use it for entry. He tends to very much lower his output with these blasts until he is certain he will not accidentally pulp someone with them.

Garth can manipulate and control existing water, though he cannot summon or create water. Garth can control, shape, and manipulate liquid water into any conceivable shape. Backed with his considerable will, a wall of water can stop considerable amounts of force, up to and including powerful conventional weapons. He need not gesture to do so, but Garth usually does. He can freeze water into a desired shape with his right hand and melt it back to liquid or to steam with his left hand. His control is so precise he can make an exact likeness in the water. Garth can manipulate city submerging amounts of water and could potentially wipe out a city with a tsunami (But only with prior staff approval-- furthermore, it isn't particularly good or nice to do so). Garth oftentimes bubbles foes in water, or encases them in water spouts, or carries himself about at great speeds via a water spout. He has very fine control and can separate blood from poison with these abilities as they extend to any water based fluids.

Garth tends to gesture with at least one hand while using his hydrokinetic abilities and his constructs or manipulations have no independent will. If his concentration is interrupted, the effects end.

Garth is one of the most powerful Atlantean mystics to be born in thousands of years. While not the equal of the Sorcerer Supreme, Garth is one of the most powerful magic users under the waves and is a powerful one above them as well. His power is great and varied, but much of it is specialized and the most powerful of his abilities are locked behind rituals. His metahuman abilities other than his Atlantean nature are a result of his magic potential, but he does have two spells he relies on heavily.

Invisibility- Garth can vanish from sight. He usually returns to visibility after attacking. While it is not infallible, he is genuinely invisible and thus extremely hard to detect.

Astral Projection- Garth can separate his spirit from his body and forcibly separate another's spirit from their body in order to confront them on the astral plane where mental strength and mystic potential are the true measures of power. If he traps said spirit inside another flesh form, such as a small fish, for example, Garth can possess the other's body. His physical form is very vulnerable while he is in this state, and he needs others to protect it for him.

Disclaimer: This ability is governed by the game's consent policy and cannot dictate another character's reaction or actions without explicit consent to do so. Attempted IC use of this ability does not guarantee success. Furthermore, as a player, I suspect that other players did not apply for their characters to Roleplay as a fish rather than use their powers.

Flight- Garth can fly, and he flies fast enough to go supersonic, but cannot hope to keep up with a Kryptonian.

Plot Only Powers- Garth has immense abilities. In particular, his ability to ward and project are powerful. He could potentially with time and preparation shield and teleport an entire sprawling city through time, space, and dimension. (But only with prior Staff approval. I am uninterested OOC is solving all problems with phenomenal magical power.)

Marine Telepathy:
Garth does not so much command the animals of the ocean so much as politely request they help him and they comply. His marine telepathy is the proof of his royal lineage, as this is the gift of kings. Orin, his king, is by far his superior, but Garth has a smaller range, and if his and Orin's orders contradict, it is Orin's that the creatures of the oceans listen to.

Garth has but to ask though, and all the creatures of the ocean within a few miles will aid him. Garth used to have a crippling phobia of schooling fish and to this day he prefers to work with other marine life such as squid, sharks, and oceanic mammals and reptiles. Creatures that normally are foes, such as predator and prey will cooperate to assist Garth.

Mystic Sight:

An extension of Garth's mystic nature is that he recognizes the supernatural for what it is. Garth can detect those beings and objects that are enchanted. He knows what is magic and what is not. He knows a mage or other wielder or creature of magic for what it is on sight. With study and scrutiny he can usually discern more information.

Then dealing with other player characters, plots, or the like, it should be noted that Player Consent is important and required. This ability is not intended, in the context of the game to spoil secret identities, ruin a plot, or complicate a situation. This sense is not infallible, and it does require a certain amount of his attention to catch details.


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Atlantean Lore:
Having been tutored by Atlan himself, Garth has a certain knowledge of ancient Atlantean history. He has a certain viewpoint on Pre-Fall Atlantis and just how society has changed both for the better and the worse. The history of Atlantis is complicated and deep. His tutor also had a certain point of view, and that carried through in Garth's knowledge.

Garth is the special envoy of King Orin. He is one of Orin's highest placed operatives and he often speaks with the king's voice and on the king's behalf. He is cognizant of his position and has cultivated a skill set to accommodate this. Though not at all militant by nature, Garth is an effective diplomat and is the sort of person one would want to represent them on any level. Enlightened self interest is unabashedly Garth's position and Garth has the know how to make and keep bargains and accords and the wisdom to back out when he believes he is not getting what he wants for a price he can afford.

Garth is not a fighter by nature. As a boy he was sensitive and it took efforts to get him to become a warrior. Once committed to the necessity of violence, Garth is quite capable of it. By training, he is a mixed martial artist, adapting techniques of his peers to Aquaman's mobile, powerful, underwater capable combat style. In just about any environment, Garth can more than hold his own.

Garth has been trained with spear, trident, and sword in addition to his unarmed combat. He eschews the shield as a free hand allows him to use his energy blasts without obstruction.

It is with his powers that Garth truly shines in combat. He knocks and batters foes about with his fists and optic blasts white altering the battlefield with his hydrokinesis and using his heat and cold blasts against foes with pinpoint accuracy.

He lacks the skill of Nightwing or Donna, but he has the skill to challenge them both for a time before succumbing to superior training.

Garth is a prince and therefor a leader of men and women. He is a violet-eyed magus of great power, and while some love him, many more fear him. He is like a Sorcerer-King of old made flesh again, and he leads like one. Garth is peaceful by nature and has learned to build policies that encourage peace.

If he must lead his soldiers into war, Garth is quick, decisive and strikes hard, fast and with an eye to keeping his army intact. He plays coy with feints and fights on his own terms. He shows mercy, and sends his soldiers home. He is an adept, capable, and organized commander.

In smaller groups, he leads by example and tries to lead his friends to the answers they already know with questions. Everyone should have a confidant like Garth.

What fewer see is the self-doubt and the worry that creeps in behind closed doors.

Magic is not just an ability, but a skill, and a part of one's very nature. Garth did not choose to be born with the gift, but he did choose to master it. There are more formidable and better trained casters. They might even work harder at than Garth, but not by much. Garth is dedicated to his craft, if only to understand it for the temptation it is and the cultural significance it has.

Magic is a tool and a weapon, and even the brightest of white magics can be perverted and corrupted, so Garth cultivates a knowledge of his culture's mystical background and has become a scholar of terran magic both above and below the waves. He learns as much as he can in order to protect himself and others from the price of such things.

Ocean Survival:
Life is much better when you are wetter. Take it from me!

There is surprising abundance in the oceans if you know where to look, and Garth knows where to look. In addition to being a swimmer that makes Michael Phelps look like a kid with water wings in a kiddie pool, Garth understands how the ocean works. He is perfectly capable of keeping himself and a few other Atlanteans alive for a few weeks, if not months.. Humans in deep water is another thing. Maybe a day or two without good luck, less if he has to breathe for both of them.

Garth is a capable enough sailor, having had to learn the basics out of necessity. Atlantean technology and magic differ from Surface World technology, but the principles are the same and he can sail or steam just fine.


In addition to speaking Atlantean, Garth speaks English, Lemurian, Greek, Latin and Japanese to be rude to Whalers. He can also telepathically communicate with and command marine life, which means certain intelligent ocean life (whales, dolphins, some squid) can offer conversation. He can sign in Amerisign as well, though he tends to move his lips when deciphering the signing of others.


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Garth is the prince of Shayeris in the Hidden Valley which was settled by pacifist mystics and scholars known as the Idyllics. His mother is the queen and long may she reign. When she passes, the throne and the small utopian city state and its magical might and technological protectors will be at his disposal. They are not a warlike race, but his familial line makes him kin to Orin, the Aquaman.

Garth does enjoy diplomatic privileges with the Surface world through his position in Orin's court. Garth serves as special envoy of the king under the auspices of his own title, Prince Garth, sitting in at meetings at the UN and other tasks on behalf of his king. Via this job, he has not only the ear of his mentor, Aquaman, but other leaders and is in the rare position of having some influence as a meta human so long as he behaves.

By right of his kingsblood, and the gifts that come along with it, Garth is regarded as a potential heir to Aquaman's throne, though Atlantean politics are complicated. He and Orin can argue over things from time to time, but ultimately they are on the same side.

As one of the founding Titans, Garth has contacts with members of the Justice League, the other Titans, and through them potentially many other heroes and organizations and heroes. He also has some level of rapport with the Titans and can count on them to some degree, depending on the situation.

A magical lancet with three prongs, resembling a trident but subtly different is Garth's preferred weapon. He often has it secured on his back via a minor magical enchantment. Called a Trishul, the item is crafted of a nigh impervious golden metal and blue crystal of unknown origin and similar durability. A blue nimbus of power often radiates from the Trishul. It is linked to Garth, and he to it. That nimbus is Garth's magic channeled through the Trishul, allowing him to channel his magics through the implement. He can also strike with either the lancets or the haft.

Garth is rich both above and below the waters. The Hidden Valley has recovered from a undead incursion and succession war, but is still rich and well governed. Salvaged ships and recovered treasure have been invested in the Surface World to provide credit and capital. Garth is hardly a billionaire, but the interest alone on the accounts is enough to see to his needs on the Surface World.


Intense loneliness and magical training have left Garth's mind sharp, keen, and powerful. His willpower is formidable and his mind is disciplined and by temperament he is resolute and quietly determined. Garth's head is a hard nut to crack.

This willpower also serves him well in his mystic endeavors. It has been developed by honing his magical focus in a feedback loop of self-improvement. While he is by no means immune to mental domination, he is more resistant than his physique and appearance might otherwise suggest.


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Color Blind:
Garth has problems differentiating between Blue, Green, and Black. The darker the shade, the harder it is tell them apart for him. This is not crippling unless he needs to cut the green wire.

Although Garth can draw water from the air via his hydrokinesis, Garth still dehydrates far faster than a human being. He is in bad shape after only a single day without water rather than three. He keeps hydrated via his hydrokinesis or frequent beverages. He can also be submerged to replenish his strength as he can absorb the water via his pores. Continued dehydration beyond a day utterly deprived of water will result in weakness, lethargy, and finally death.

Garth is utterly loyal to his friends, his king, and his nation. It is a good trait, but it means he can be pulled into things he really should not allow himself to become enmeshed in. He can swing from being an enabler to being almost defiantly opposed to a friend's foolishness to the point of yelling matches.

More troubling to Garth is when those loyalties pull him in different directions. He can be stymied into introspective, tortured inaction if his principles are tested by his various demands.

Ecological Beliefs:
Garth is very careful to never cause any harm or damage to whaling ships, but one of his past times is preventing whaling, and he has a small cadre of pacifist Idylists who protect pods of whales in the Antarctic oceans. While they are not 100 percent effective, they are making whaling an increasingly unproductive past time.

Similarly, Garth is not afraid to push for greater safety regulations in the oil industry. He pushes back on climate change deniers, and generally is not at all afraid to led whatever weight his name and reputation will to peaceful, science-based ecological movements.

This stance has not made him many friends in many corporate boardrooms. He can be targeted to silence, coopt, or subvert by corporate agents.

Garth is not anti surface world, he simply pushes for sustainable harvesting of ocean resources and greater safety of oceanic oil rigs.

Garth's magic requires at least one hand free to cast. Restraining both hands will stymie most of his abilities. It will also make targeting with his heat and cold blasts far more difficult.

When using some of the magics he does have, Garth tends to speak in Atlantean and gesture with his hands. A clever foe can interrupt his abilities.

Locked Potential:
Garth really doesn't know a tremendous number of spells. His magical abilities are more on-demand manifestations of his mystical potential. While he is a magus, Garth is very aware that Atlantean Magic caused a cataclysm that changed his society forever and killed millions of souls and altered his kind irrevocably. It can be a force for good, but Garth does not explore and study magic with the joy of some other Magi. He shuns the most potent abilities, choosing instead to add to his repertoire of on demand abilities. It leaves him with noticeable gaps in his studies and an unwillingness to commit to the deepest mysteries, worried about the price others might pay for his ambition.

Many aspects of typical surface worlder's life even after all these years are utterly foreign to Garth. He doesn't bother to try and fit in, and even if it does isolate him, he is happy with it. Garth is Seaborn and proud of it, pretending to be something he is not does not interest Garth in the slightest. It can be inconvenient though, as Garth really does not strive.

While he is a fish out of water on the surface, Garth is also something of a pariah under water. His violet eyes mark him as being not only royal, but a mage. He is an ill omen and unwelcome. Despite years of heroics, some will always view Garth as the kid that should have been left to die on Mercy Reef. It leaves Garth lonely.

It is loneliness that is the issue, when coupled with a nagging self-doubt in part spawned by his loneliness. There are hours in the night where Garth is not sure he belongs anywhere and is all the more certain that he really should have died on that reef.

Public Identity:
Garth doesn't have a last name and is publicly known to be a prince of Atlantis. He lives a public life and has very little privacy. If someone wants to find him, the Princes of the Idylists is easy to find.

Garth has some political beliefs and positions that put him at odds with powerful organizations. He is an envoy of his king and his king is no pushover, either. If confronted, Garth will not dishonor Atlantis and can be forced into bad decisions despite his nature and temperament. Smart foes can take advantage of the realities of Garth's position.


Garth's most powerful, (Staff approval required prior to use) magical abilities are not something he simply waves his arms about to summon up the might for. The more powerful the magic the more involved the ritual. Atlantean Magic is old magic, and the rituals Garth was taught can involve blood letting (his own) and strange materials. They are not done lightly or without some preparation.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Be very very quiet We're hunting pigeons! October 27th, 2020 The formerly immense Pigeon 21, now named 'Stinky', is placed in the custody of Supergirl. Garth earns a long shower.
Shipping It V: Garth likes them Big October 19th, 2020 Garth continues to try and woo Emma and emma meets part of garth's extended family- a wise whale by the name of K'yree'a.
The Tower is a T October 9th, 2020 Conner visits the Titans tower for pizza and membership invitation
Atlantis Meeting October 9th, 2020 Concerns for the Atlantis field trip are raised and addressed. Xiomara bows out. Fears are raised and confronted.
Shipping It (IV) The Iceberg October 2nd, 2020 The iceberg does not melt, but it does thaw a little and Emma finally gets her feet beneath her once she and Garth have an actual discussion about things.
Atlantis Approved September 21st, 2020 A good time is had at the embassy until Garth reveals Atlantis' environmental agenda's first phase and promptly gets shot by suicide assassins.
Like a Titan Rising (I) September 14th, 2020 Garth goes out to recruit Supergirl for the Titans. She in turn introduces him to Phobos over a dozen cherub monsters.
Shipping It III September 1st, 2020 Emma and Garth discuss his tour of the mansion and have a 'discussion' about what is going on between them.
Shipping It II August 21st, 2020 Emma introduces Garth to School Leadership for inspection. Scott baits her.
Emma Frost-- Sea Cow August 6th, 2020 Garth of Shayeris calls Emma Frost a manatee and lives
Shipping It I July 31st, 2020 Emma Frost & Garth of Shayeris discuss Atlantean politics and the shipping business. Garth accidentally gets a date.
Looking for life....really. July 18th, 2020 Hanging out at Josie's Bar.


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