Mason Steele

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Mason (Scenesys ID: 1776)
Full Name: Mason Steele
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Teen heartthrob/Student
Citizenship: US Citizen
Residence: New York
Education: Julliard
Status: Shelved
Other Information
Apparent Age: 18 Actual Age: 18
Date of Birth 14 May 2010 Actor: Cody Linley
Height: 175 cm (5'9") Weight: 73 kg (161 lb)
Hair Color: Blond Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "These Frail Hands" by Brave Saint Saturn


Yeah, you know him. Girls, he will sign your diaries if you form an orderly line. Guys, he'll show you how it works afterward, just hang out for a few hours. He's every girl's heartthrob, a famous popstar, teen TV star, and ladies man. Well, ladies teen. It's okay to gawk, those abs are real, and this song is for you.

Current Player Approved: Not Applicable



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Disheveled golden hair falls around the sides of this well known face. If you are a teenage girl, you almost certainly know who he is, the chiseled jaw and smooth skin of Mason Steele, the pop star, are unmistakable. He stands about 5'9", a fairly average height for a sixteen year old. He is fit, someone who clearly works out for the appearance factor more than for practical strength, defined like a magazine.

His blue eyes are piercingly bright with perfect teeth. He's a pretty boy if ever there was one. A thin bone/shell necklace decorates his collarbone, and he wears only the most fashionable clothes. A faded light blue T-shirt from Hollister, long khaki shorts and a pair of thong sandals makes him look a little like a surfer.


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Mason Steele was born to a rather successful stock broker, and a mutant telepath. David and Courtney. A great combination. Unfortunately, it didn't last long. Relationships built on manipulation of the will usually don't. She had married for money, and used her powers to influence her husband. Eventually, he started to realize her manipulation, and they were divorced, but not before they had a son.

So Mason's mother, the telepath, took Mason and most of her ex-husband's money. She was one for the rich life, though, and wanted to see Mason become a star. Someone big and famous. So from the time that he was very young, Mason was put in music lessons. As it turned out, Mason was exceptionally well gifted, more than his mother could have hoped for. All the same, she made certain to manipulate people with influence all through his starting career.

It wasn't just music where he found his success. Soon he became a recurring co-star on a TV show starring a lovely young lady named Andrea Jackson. When they started dating, however, mom didn't like it very much. She found it difficult to manipulate Mason, at this point he had started to grow aware when she meddled in his head. So she decided to manipulate the girl into believing that he had cheated on her. As teenage girls often over-react, Andrea responded by trying to destroy Mason's reputation. Overcome by grief, he jumped from the third story of his school to end his life.

As he hit the ground, his powers over earth manifested, and he send a tremor through the city which could be felt for miles. Fortunately for him, his power remained unknown. Tremors are common in Los Angeles, and the only evidence that he had used a mutant power was a pile of sand that had been pulverized upon impact next to the building. The principal was sensitive to the matter, and while she was able to figure out what happened, she kept the matter silent, and Mason's mother started taking him for psychological help. It wasn't long, however, before another mutant would appear on the scene in his life.

Shania Morgenstern didn't have the good fortune that Mason did regarding her powers discovery. They were discovered with great force as she self-detonated in her classroom one day. In the small private school, the issue of mutants became a rather large one very quickly. Mason felt it to be his place to stand up for her rights, though he never revealed himself as a mutant even to her. Unfortunately, he would be tested farther than he was prepared to take the fight.
One day after school, they were walking home.

Mason had promised he'd keep the bullies from messing with her. It's easy to promise such things, and he didn't think he'd be physically put to the test. He was. The bullies shoved him to the side and told him to get lost. It was the moment of truth, and Mason turned out to be a lie. He ran to save his own skin rather than staying to help Shania.

She was hospitalized, and though Mason visited her with flowers and apologized profusely, his words felt hollow to even himself. He had critically failed. She wouldn't talk to him again for the rest of her life. She committed suicide two weeks later by stepping in front of a train. The explosion that resulted from her powers on her death derailed the train, and five other people were killed.

Overcome by guilt, Mason buried himself in drugs and his music. She was dead, and it was his fault. He had never even told her what he was, and she died feeling alone. His mother found out that he would be able to attend classes at Julliard to improve his musical skill. Eager to leave his past behind, he took the opportunity, and moved to New York City, but he's still afraid, his mutant power, which he understands very little about, could upset his life at any moment.


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Mason is the master of a million skin deep friendships. He is keenly aware of his mother's tendency to manipulate people around her through telepathy. Over time he has learned to manipulate people as well, but his is through charm. He hates to be disliked or rejected, so he spends his time trying to fit into as many shoes as he can, finding ways that he can make friends. He tries to avoid topics of controversy, concerned that people won't like him and concerned that he will not be as smart as others regarding any given subject. He does a good job of hiding it under a mask of bravado, and only has true confidence in one talent, which is his musical gifting. To him, the ability to make music is the most important thing to him.

He's overcome by guilt from his past failings, which makes him hesitant to engage in anything meaningful. He fears the rejection of the crowd and lets it dominate his life, because his entire life the approval of the crowd is what made him special. He hears the mocking, sees the cruel memes that people make, and it bothers him greatly, but he'll never say so. He has to smile, he has to shine. That's what he does.


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Mason is able to manipulate various forms of Earth. Stone, sand, metals, dirt, concrete, and the like. Though his skills presently are fairly limited due to fear of using his powers, as long as he is in skin contact with the earth that he is trying to control he can shape it, move it, launch it, pulverize, compact, and do whatever else he desires with it. As long as he does not mentally let go of a piece of earth, he can continue manipulating it once he no longer has physical contact.

Once he has started control he can maintain it for as long as he can stay conscious. He must be able to move in order to control the elements, for it is a pscyho-physiological power. He can currently control up to four things at once, one for each of his major limbs. While he must have contact to begin his control, he can feel the presence of the rock while he is manipulating it, and does not need line of sight as long as he doesn't let go. He can extend his control presently to up to 100 feet away.

His hands can manage a weight of 300 pounds each at present, which could increase over time with skill and physical development. His Legs can manage up to 1,000 pounds each. He also can use movements of his head to alter them, but hasn't managed to figure out how to use his head independently to do manipulate the earth. Or...well, anything else in his life.

Rock Eating:
Mason can eat rock, earth, and unprocessed metals. Not only can he, but he has an increasing need to. Just like anyone else needs to eat their veggies and proteins, as Mason's mutation manifests, he will start to need to eat minerals more and more.

Processed earth such as concrete or refined metals can also be eaten, however, it may not be a good thing for him to eat. Things such as concrete which are more processed but contain mostly natural elements can become like junk food for him. Things such as asphalt which contain non-earth materials and chemicals can be very bad for him, making him sick or possibly acting as a harmful drug. Refined metals that contain no non-earth elements are not toxic, but can still make him sick because of the difficulty his body has in breaking them down. Some particularly tough metals such as refined adamantium, Nth metal, or vibranium, he cannot digest and his body would need to take time to pass it.

In addition, certain stones act like recreational drugs for him. The only two he knows for certain has this effect are limestone and quartz.
At present, Mason still needs to process regular food as well, like anyone else.

Telepathic Evasion:

Mason isn't telepathic, and he can't really stop a telepath. However, due to exposure to his mother's manipulative telepathy for his whole life, he has learned to hide his thoughts from a telepath fairly well. Naturally, exceptionally skilled telepaths are more able to bypass this discipline. He is not able to do anything to stop a forceful invasion of his mind, but it is also hard for a telepath to do anything in his mind without him noticing. Only those who are both skilled in doing sneaky mind tricks like Emma Frost would be able to avoid detection by him.


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Mason has spent time as an actual actor. He has not done theatre, but he has done film acting, and understands the principles and rules of how films are made fairly well. He has a moderate understanding of lighting and camera angles just through his exposure, and knows the lingo pretty well.

Musical Savant:
Mason is an exceedingly gifted musician. His first choice of instrument is the piano, for which he is known in both popular and cultured circles. He has been accepted into Julliard prior to college age due to his incredible talent, and the question is never whether he can play a piece of music accurately, but with what degree of precision he can deliver the nuance of the notes.

That said, he is also quite skilled in a number of instruments. He can play virtually every instrument found in an orchestra, the guitar, ukulele, and drums.

Mason has spent a good majority of his short life in front of people. He grew up performing musically, he has also had a moderately successful acting career. As a result he never gets stage fright, and has no qualms about addressing thousands or even millions of people.


Whether it's to his benefit or detriment could be debated, but Mason is very good with the ladies. He has trouble turning off the charm when he's around a member of the opposite sex, and his good looks combined with his charm and musical talent lead him to often charm most (of course not all) women around him.


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Mason has many connections in the media. Film, tv or music, he can usually find someone to get a stage of some sort to get his voice heard or his face scene.

Making boatloads of cash as a teenager isn't always the best thing, but that's what Mason has. Appearances, concerts, albums, TV shows, they all add up. He has several million to his name already, and as his popularity grows, so does his wealth.


Mason has a lot of people who listen to him, whether they should or not. It's part of being a star. If he says something, he has a moderate ability to impact the public's view of a situation. He is not going to singlehandedly convince a nation, necessarily, but he can stir the pot on an issue if he chooses.


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Mason has fallen victim to his celebrity status, and with that he has become a druggy. It's part due to the party scene, it's part due to his regrets. He drinks, he does drugs, and is a bit on the self-destructive side. He wishes he could break free from them, until he tries, and finds himself constantly slipping back into the same habits repeatedly.

Mason is shallow. He wants to stand up for the oppressed, but he often lacks the spine. He is the first to back down from a fight, the first to go along with what is wrong rather than offend someone.

It's hard to be a regular teenager when you're a famous popstar. Wherever Mason goes, there are fans, haters, and media he needs to evade. Any mistake he makes in public can become the next tabloid story, any indiscretion is plastered across the news. He's used to it, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't create a huge amount of stress in his life.

Mason has to actually maintain a diet that includes stone, earth, and the like. If he does not, he will become malnourished, and weaken substantially both physically and with his powers. He must eat some rock every day, or he starts to lose his powers. He doesn't know this. Also, as his powers are developing, there may be other effects that will be revealed over time that he has yet to understand.


Mason's failure of Shania when he lived in California haunts him. He has nightmares regularly, and has never dared to tell anyone the story. He sees her sometimes when he's awake, and to keep her ghost at bay he often turns to drugs or music, whichever is closer. He has albums written about his failing that he plays only by himself, when he thinks no one else can hear.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Making a phone call to Mason August 5th, 2020 Andrea finally catches up with Mason after her run-in with the Straw Man. They didn't scream at each other.
Establish the Boundaries January 10th, 2020 Mason tries to make a move on Shannon for a more physical relationship. She stands her ground and he learns a little.
At one with Nature December 13th, 2019 Mason and Vi meet for the first time
Toys on Rockefeller December 11th, 2019 Some of the local New Yorkers work together on a children's toy drive.
Just us freaks November 1st, 2019 Mason and Kurt talk about friendship, and then Vi is told she can get power fuel!
A New Thinking Spot October 29th, 2019 Shannon goes looking for a seasonal thinking spot for winter, and finds Kurt. They have a long discussion about anger and forgiveness. Mason joins, and reveals his plans for a true masterpiece!
Where Have You Been September 27th, 2019 Mason returns from a necessary absence and catches up with Shannon. They each share a little bit about their mutant gifts. Sweetness abounds!
Shannon's First Kiss September 3rd, 2019 Mason takes Shannon out on a date!
Mmmkay August 21st, 2019 A young student was sent in for counseling, a date was set, and twinkies were had by all.
Hanging out in the X-Rec August 14th, 2019 Friends chat and a gig is set up
Picking up the Harmony August 1st, 2019 Shannon and Mason meet and play some music together in the X-mansion
Saved: Best Intentions July 22nd, 2019 Cyborgs attacked a busload of Xavier students. Beast, Jubilee, Polaris, Mason and Elixir are forced to respond.
Spare ribs in school! June 28th, 2019 Summary needed
Log 7819 June 10th, 2019 Summary needed
Temp Title May 21st, 2019 Mason and Charles talk in the Wellness Center about what it means to apply oneself.
18 Minutes in Julliard April 23rd, 2019 J'onn visits Julliard during one of Mason's recitals.
Stop behaving yourself! April 1st, 2019 Jubilee challenges Mason on his unusual behavior, trying to get him to allow others to help him.
You got work to do, kid February 28th, 2019 Logan impresses upon Mason the importance of understanding history.
Worth Cracking a Book. February 26th, 2019 Mason tries to study and find out why he sweats mud. Andrea talks him into talking with the staff about it.
Don't Sweat It February 25th, 2019 During a charity concert, Mason starts sweating his mutant nature. Andrea and Erika are there to raise alarm.
The problems with alt-copy-paste January 30th, 2019 Some students strategize how to deal with wereclones.
Rocky Evasiveness January 24th, 2019 Jubilee talks with Mason about his habit of skipping powers class.
Let's sing a song together hopefully on key January 16th, 2019 Mason is playing very loud music, so Andrea and Bobby investigates. Andrea tries to get Mason a big brother figure, but is as always, shot down.
Old Injuries December 6th, 2018 Illyana come to find a teacher to talk about the events at StockGen. They stir up painful memories for Andrea.
Mall Crawlers November 30th, 2018 Summary needed
Astral Flux: Suspicious Behavior November 13th, 2018 Andrea calls Mason to join her to tell him about the suspicious ongoings at the X-School.
Unusual Behavior September 21st, 2018 Mason eats Limestone. It has some interesting results.
Suspicious Activity September 10th, 2018 Mason expresses concern about Ms. Frost's recent behavior, and then manages to horribly insult Andrea unintentionally.
Part of a Balanced Breakfast August 23rd, 2018 Andrea discovers that Mason eats rocks, and they later work on musical venture ideas.
That gorilla in Mutant Town August 20th, 2018 Mason and Kid bump into each other on the streets of Mutant Town.
Is that what you call studying August 7th, 2018 Scott catches Mason and Andrea doing some late night
If That's Deadzone, then who the hell is she August 6th, 2018 Summary needed
Team bonding with pop stars August 6th, 2018 Summary needed
Hugo Building Opening August 1st, 2018 The Hugo Building opens at last! Naturally that's when the rockstars, gangs and ninja show up!
A Healthy Diet August 1st, 2018 A few of Xavier's folks happen upon each other in the back yard.
Mallrats in a Cage July 31st, 2018 Summary needed
Let's make a song together July 23rd, 2018 Andrea plays a new song she wrote. Scott got to meet Mason. Andrea admits she is not as perfect as Mason says she is.
First Date the sequel July 21st, 2018 Andrea and Mason go on their first date in two years. As always, it can't just go smoothly.
Kickball! July 17th, 2018 The students and staff of Xavier's School play kickball and learn that mutant kickball is drastically different than regular kickball.
School of Rock July 16th, 2018 A collection of Xavier students learn to play like a rock band from two real live music stars.
The L Word July 14th, 2018 Andrea and Mason have a DTR
Some fresh air July 10th, 2018 Erika talks to Josh about her past, Andrea suggests an outing.
Can pancakes fix everything July 9th, 2018 Mason, Tyler and Josh talk about what happened that night at the lake. Josh punched Mason in the face.
I guess we should start with sorry. July 9th, 2018 Mason apologizes to Andrea about killing her. Andrea shows why she is the coolest (ex)girlfriend in the world.
Open Enrollment July 9th, 2018 Charles and Mason have a talk, and Mason finally enrolls in Xavier's School.
Temper, temper July 7th, 2018 Mason and Andrea have a long needed talk, but Mason loses his temper, and they find out that Andrea isn't the only one who is dangerous.
The Bared Teeth July 7th, 2018 Mason rushes Andrea to Xavier's after putting a rock through her head. Josh is able to heal the physical damage, but she's not quite there anymore when she wakes back up.
The Interview July 6th, 2018 Mason talks with Emma about joining the school. A conversation that says a lot, and asks more.
The Boys July 5th, 2018 Mason and Josh talk about mutants, girls, and mutant girls, which are the most dangerous of all.
Cyborgs for Lunch July 3rd, 2018 Cyborgs attack Laura, Andrea and Mason, and don't live to regret it.
Answering the Mob July 3rd, 2018 When Andrea, Mason and Josh are confronted by the paparrazi, more comes out than they expected.
Meanwhile, back at the Mansion July 3rd, 2018 The Wellness Centre gets more than its fair share of patients. And a visit from X-23, who is just fine.
Guitars, claws, Beasts. July 2nd, 2018 Andrea and Mason talk about his future at the school, then tries to resolve an issue with Erika and Laura. From there, Hank McCoy is in a bad mood and gets guilt tripped by a popstar. (Sorry blue, my bad)
Let's talk about our future. June 29th, 2018 A phone call turns into a get together for the New Mutants. A tiny thread is tugged, starting to unravel.
Rock the Julliard June 28th, 2018 Andrea, Josh, and Tyler surprise Mason by showing up at his final recital for class, and then get a fancy dinner.
A song for Xavier June 23rd, 2018 Mason comes to try to get Andrea to break curfew, they end up doing a duet for the Headmaster instead.
Four! June 19th, 2018 Some X-students go to the country club, there's a little golfing involved.
Diner Deliciousness June 14th, 2018 Tyler and Mason run into each other out in West Chester and Mason opens up about a big secret.
Checking another off the box. June 12th, 2018 Power Girl drops by to see Andrea per earlier invitation. Andrea and Mason have the most emotional talk that was 2 years in the making.
The Awkward Ride Back June 8th, 2018 Tyler drives Mason back to his car after the Reavers attack Andrea at the coffee shop.
Aftermath of the Reaver attack June 8th, 2018 The aftermath of the Reaver scene, Andrea is healed, but how? Mason discovers Xavier's and Tyler shows why he's a great guy. Rogue drops by also.
A Rough Introduction June 8th, 2018 The Reavers attack Andrea, Speed, Wiccan and Mason, and get decimated, but not before mortally wounding Andrea. One Reaver discovers he has healing powers.
Where is this going June 7th, 2018 Andrea and Mason talk some more about their past. Andrea keeps hurting herself.
Signing at the Flatbush Shopping Center June 4th, 2018 Atlee meets Mason, who learns about her geokinetic abilities and can't seem to help but pepper her with questions.
Love is a Battlefield. May 31st, 2018 Andrea and Mason have the talk that was two years in the making. Her powers are finally revealed.
Slipping into a popstar's DMs. May 30th, 2018 Tyler slides into Andrea's DMs followed by an awkward phone call with Mason.
Popcorn and conversation. May 30th, 2018 Summary needed
Andrea hits up Times Square. May 29th, 2018 Andrea and Mason meet in Time Square. Awkward moments are awkward. But Mason got to meet a new friend to go clubbing with!


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Title Date Scene Summary
Dirty Hands February 26th, 2019 Mason makes a discovery about his powers


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