16263/Saturday Night's Alright...for Drinking!

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Saturday Night's Alright...for Drinking!
Date of Scene: 12 May 2024
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: Emma pays Lux a visit, Lucifer dares Sinister into a dress and then comes up with a new charity idea.
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Emma Frost, Sinister

Lucifer has posed:
Saturday night and the crowd has gathered quite thickly in Lux - as they do. Men who do not wish to stay home, the young and fruitful willing to spend their money like it's going out of style. The dance floor is full of people enjoying the DJ music, there are caged dancers as naked as they are allowed to be moving to the beats and giving smaller crowds a show. It's a wonderful night that will flush Lucifer's pockets greatly.

The host himself is standing in his usual perch, the little dip aside the spiral staircase that goes from top floor to bottom. Impeccably dressed in his black three piece suit with blood red shirt, tie and handkerchief tucked in the left breast pocket. He is absolutely FEELING like the Devil that he is, all charm and grace with a little bit of sin to edge out the night. A whiskey is plucked from a wandering waitress' tray which he sips upon while letting his gaze wander over the patrons for the moment.
Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost She has come to the club, and for once, she's not wearing her white queen outfit but still wearing white... The girl knows what color she looks good in . She's got that sparkle sapphire lipstick on as her ice blue eyes's taking in the club before she starts to move.

     She's wearing a white body-hugging dress that helps show off all those curves that bring attention even in a club filled with beautiful delights of every kind. It could also be the cold arrogance and poise she walks with. that strut that says she knows she's hot ..

     She taps the top of the bar " Gin and a polar bear shot "

Sinister has posed:
Sometimes, it's just good to watch what's on display. In the case of Sin, it's also a really good way of seeing what's around at the moment, the young, the spry, the powerful or the /empowered/. These days, he can be considerably more subtle in his approaches to the harvesting of humanity's best and brightest, the ones with the potential to increase the architechture of the human genome.

And it doesn't hurt to watch. He's leaned against the wall by the spiral stairs down from VIP, gaze half lidden and peering through purple lennon shades, to the floor below, a half-smile on his face.

Black on white on black. Black jeans, white shirt, black vest, splashes of colour that hint at wealth and less slease and a ring upon his finger of a ruby wended around with a serpent to hold it in place. He sips cognac, a gentleman's drink. And he /knows/ that mind that just entered, he's felt it many a time before. The grey eyes of a humanized Sinister take their sweet time combing the crowds.
Lucifer has posed:
It does not take a telepath to know who just walked into his club. Blue eyes shift over to the bar where Emma has sat and ordered her drinks, the bartender taking well care of her. Lucifer looks back towards the VIP area where Nathaniel drinks and plays people watcher. Never a social creature, Nathaniel, but that is why he has a Lucifer. The Devil turns and wades through the crowd. One step. Another. And then he is right behind but a bit aside Emma, so that she can see him in her periphreal but it is likely she sensed him coming just before as well.

"My dear Emma Frost, as I live and breathe. To what do I owe the exquisite honor of having the White Queen herself grace our humble establishment?" Asking this, in a very specific way, but keeping certain words out of ear shot to others. Another sip of his whiskey taken as he watches the woman in white for the moment.
Emma Frost has posed:
Of course, emma already has control of the space around herself, so she feels the devil himself come hard to miss a mind, unlike others! she feels sinister as well, more of a passing sense they know better than to probe each other, After all unlike others who either keep themselves stupidly open or just build walls.. both of them are closer to minefields.. with traps and spikes all over for anybody stupid enough to even attempt to test their defenses.

     She Down her shot and turned with a smile. " Well, well, Lucifer Morningstar, I just had to stop in. I wouldn't want you to think me rude and ignore you. " She moves and gives a Kiss, kiss, hello.

     Those frosty eyes move to sinister " I came to check on the wayward member of my race to make sure he's being a good boy."
Sinister has posed:
"Oh, come now Emma, I am always good," at what he does "...and I brush my teeth, floss, keep my shoes and surgical instruments nice and clean and polished..." Sinister settles himself at the end of the bar as he arrives, a smile set for Emma and a loft of his drink in a silent salute.

"Also, you flatter me. I'm your race adjacent." mwah - an air kiss given, he gives another one and a double-batt of eyelashes toward the devil as he finishes off his glass. It's set down, tapped to get the barman's attention and he sidelong regards the Frosty one.

How is life treating you, these days? Still pretending to be a good little school marm?"
Lucifer has posed:
"You? Rude? Why, that thought would never cross my mind. You have so much going on with the Hellfire Club and all your other little trickeries." The Devil says this with a grin and then motions to the bartender. "Her drinks are on the house tonight. She gets absolute top shelf, no questions asked." The bartender nods and then goes to fetch Nathaniel a new drink. Likely another cognac since that's what he started with.

"And yes. Nathaniel's been a very good boy... I wouldn't have him any other way you know..." Walking around to the other side of Emma so he can be closer to Nathaniel, there's an air kiss offered to the man before he looks back. "You two never cease to amaze me in so many ways, and I hope that continues..."
Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost Laughs." You may not have started a mutant, dear, but you've made yourself one now, so you are part of our little party, so I'll check on you. "She blows him a kiss . To his taunt she sips her gin, those ice blue eyes, watching him a moment " I found a purpose that gives me meaning, one that gives rewards deeper than my own self-indulgent wants and needs, and who said I was a good girl " .

     She grins " you should stop by dear I've had all kinds these days..Come mingle with us we have some demons and angels among our club that would love to see you " . She gives a little curtsey. " Glad I could keep the devil entertained, the alternative is well terrible and best avoided " .
Sinister has posed:
Sinister chuckles lowly at the reposte from Emma. "Touche. They could all do well to learn their lessons well," he inclines his head to the refill of his cognac and pulls out a silver cigarette case, setting it in the middle of the bar area, clicked open and inviting neat rows of cloves. "I think the last time I was at the Hellfire club, I was handling minor business with ..." Psylocke, but he's keeping mum about that "....a few interested parties." He reaches a hand out to the Devil, adjusts the man's open collar just soooooooo and smiles his crooked smile that way, looking curiously to the white Queen.

"There's Celestials and infernals joining in the fun now? My my."
Lucifer has posed:
"Yes I've dropped by the club a few times myself, but a personal invite from the White Queen herself will not be ignored, I promise you." Lucifer says this to Emma and then finds his suit being fiddled with by Nathaniel and he smirks. Reaching for one of the cloved cigarettes, he places it between his lips and lights his and Nathaniel's own with a snap of his finger to produce flame.

"Mmn...wouldn't that be a fun sight to see, eh lover?" Asking this of Nathaniel with that little drop of information from Emma.
Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost shrugs her lovely shoulders as she smiles. " Old.. powerful.. with lots of money and abilities, why wouldn't they come visit.. we also don't care what they are.. neutral ground where they can be themselves and nobody judges " .

     " the only normals there are well paid and their for entertainment." She touches Luci's arm " It would make me happy if you two would come; having good-looking couples visit the club always increases its appeal, as I'm sure you know
Sinister has posed:
"Well, it's always a sight to see -- it's rarely one that ends up with there not being a conflagration and feathers everywhere, but that's what makes it more interesting, I suppose...." Sin chuckles, drawing on the clove with a satisfied sigh.

"Is Shaw still this side of the millpond? He was strutting around proud as a cock on his rock the last time I visited. Always a delight when he's being all magnanimous." Sin observes. Theirs is a complicated relationship, which no doubt hasn't been shared at least by Shaw.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer smiles to Emma. "Oh of course, and we have just the attire for such an occassion as visiting Hellfire Club, don't we my love?" Then he leans in close so perhaps only the two of them can hear him. "Might even be able to convince this one to come as Miss Sinister on my arm...give everyone a wonderful view..." Leaning back up then, he shifts just a bit more to be that much closer to Nathaniel, perhaps even hip-leaning on the stool next to the man while he drags on his cigarette.

"Well. Now that pleasentries are all out of the way... are you truly just here to pay us a visit or were you out looking for something in particular?" Then his eyes shimmer with mirth. "Or someone...perhaps..."
Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost thinks for a moment and decides to answer honestly for once " Just to check on him and maybe find some candy I can play with " She look first to the girls then the boys around her and back to Lucifer " Why are you offering dear?" she

     She chuckles " been a while since i was in a devils three-way" she arches one sculpted eyebrow.
Sinister has posed:
"Alas, you find me being boringly well behaved. I've been working on inventions lately, rather than playing Deus ex machina. It's been a wild ride though, lately -- I heartily recommend a complete change of scenery to get a completely renewed sense of cosmological and fundamental readjustment." With the devil leaning close and mentioning in such a stage whisper to the audience of one, he rolls his eyes heavenward and laughs low. "You really do enjoy her company don't you? Well, she does bring out a different side of me, my dearest... and I have a lot of interesting outfits."

The innuendo is given a consideration, a glance to Lucifer and a shake of the head. "Emma, we couldn't handle each other, let alone him on top of it all."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer smirks. "I enjoy all of you, my dear raven..." As if trying to make sure that Nathaniel knows this as fact. "Besides, she brought me cupcakes the other evening...one cannot fault a woman for bringing home sweet treats..." He grins, takes a drag off his clove and flicks ashes into the air where they seem to just disappear. "Though I would love to see you in a dress one of these days..." Waggling his eyebrows a bit before he looks to Emma once more.

"Ah, as much as I likely would have in the past, I am afraid that on top of Nathaniel's points... we are taken men. With each other. No sharing allowed... tho I am still allowed to appreciate a form or few. No touching. That's the rule." Is it tho? It must be, cause Lucifer cannot lie. It's likely either an unspoken rule or a rule he's made up for himself.
Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost Laughs "Really dear.. cause you with him.. that tells me right now you haven't changed much. You still like to play with dangerous things, and if anything, the more dangerous it is, the more you like it " .

     She shrugs. " I'm the same in that sense; I like to play with dangerous things, and you are telling me now only makes me want to try more." Her blue eyes sparkle as she pursed those blue lips . When Lucifer says his rule, she shrugs, " As you wish, I won't push... The offer is there if you ever wanna really try melting permafrost." She winks as she sips her drink .
Sinister has posed:
"Play? No, no my dearest Emma. I do not play with dangerous things. I am attracted to power, but also to the possibility of broadening my understanding, my repetoire and my spheres of influence, much as you are. I don't play with it though, I've never been much for playing with it. Get on with things, instead. If you play with it, it just goes all limp and floppy on you. Ask any cat that got too enthusiastic with its mouse."

Ahem. Sinister delivered all of that entirely deadpan.

"Really? You want to see me in a dress?" blinking a couple of times at this, he looks down at himself, at Lucifer beside him and removes his cigarette from lips, shoulders rolling left, rolling right. "I don't drink beer, so..." hold his cigarette? It's presented to the devil.
Lucifer has posed:
"Suppose I will keep it in mind..." In the very back of his mind where he can never touch it. Lucifer does not play games, but he will hold a string out for the cat to play with. Eyes go to Nathaniel as he speaks and gives a smirk. "Ah, is my influential power running a bit thin, Essex? I do hope I'm not going all limp and floppy on you." Also said in a sort of deadpan but with perhaps a light bit of humor attached to it.

Really, the Devil is impossible.

At the last thing Nathaniel says he grins and reaches to take the proffered cigarette. "Yes. Yes I really want to see YOU in a dress...Impress me, darling." He says this much more and then smokes once more on his own clove before he turns it into nothing but ash that then turns to nothingness itself.
Sinister has posed:
"Well, I did say I don't play, didn't I?" Sin lofts his chin, slides eyes to Emma and back to the devil with a coy twist of lips. He then lifts his chin a bit higher, flicks his wrists out to the side and takes a deep breath...

It is a sight, it is true enough. Most people have to go to a change room and remove the clothing they were wearing. Not even every shapeshifter can muster fully moving parts or the flow of fabric properly; it makes certain lineages and talents more profound, one supposes.

Shirt and vest blend together, the fabric drawing itself inward and forming a basque about SIn's middle, black as black and covered one by one, in tiny black rhinestones, decorated in wings that stretch up and around the bosom he doesn't have. It's made for a man, obviously. Out of a man.

A high collar around the back, whaleboned in place looks like batwings in lace and leather. The skirt is layers of black and purple taffeta material, with skintight leggings beneath of charcoal suede and he extends one foot, staring at it until the material goes from wing-tip to PVC high heel stilleto knee-high. With buckles. Standing up, he is... well, he's 6'5" normally. That just made him all of 6'8". "Voila."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer watches the transformation take place. He loves it when he can watch the maestro perform right before his very eyes. Going from simple fare to this magnificent dress, and heels to boot. Now the Devil has to really look 'up' to him. "Oh that's marvelous!" He says with a slight clapping of his hands. "And it just gave me an idea for our next charity event!" The wheels are definitely turning in the Devil's mind at the moment as he looks over and down to the lower level, perhaps thinking it over in his mind.

"What do you think about holding a drag show here? Pride month is coming up soon, isn't it? What better place to have a drag show than Lux? And we can gather donations for a LGBTQ friendly group..."
Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost Blinks as she looks away for a momentand sighs " It seems I must leave you my dears, something is going down at the school and I must rush off to fix some broken wings.. I am sorry " She purrs
Sinister has posed:
"There's always something. I tend to work on the other end of the something scale when it comes to that school," Sin's not joking either, it's rarely the students he ends up in encounters with. "/Do/ behave, won't you?" he gives another air 'mwah' to Emma, looking down along himself afterwards, patting the hips of the skirt and tugging here and there to get it to sit right.

"Oh. Make-up." a flourish of fingers in a tadaaaaa gesture at his own face and the perfect deep plum lipstick, smokey eye and contouring manifests.

The beard and moustach do not go anywhere though. That's a thing.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer grins as Sinister adds the flare of makeup, taking a step back and looking him over. He even brings his hands up and does that movie screen/picutre frame sort of gesture with his thumb and pointer finger. "Fabulous. The whole look. I absolutely love it. Mmmn...you'd be the talk of the show for sure, but we'll need a few more divas in order to do this right." This much more said as Emma excuses herself and leaves. That makes him relax a little.

"Mmn...but really...what do you think of the idea? Drag show. Fundraiser. I might even get a label or two to supply outfits."
Sinister has posed:
"I'm glad you like it," although with the way he's fussing, it's clear that Sin has a few ideas that would improve on this particular raven peacock look, given he's looking thoughtful with it. He only stops when Emma's out of sight, flicking his gaze up that way. "She's a dangerous one she is. I should read up on a few of her techniques, but she, like I hasn't really written many of them down..." he sniffs, looks slowly back to Lucifer. And down at him, because: Those /heels/.

"I'd have to practice a few times walking in heels when I'm not balanced the right way." That's all he's going to say -there-. "But it would raise an enormous amount."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer looks in the direction that Emma left in and then nods his head. "You know. There are not many people in this current existence who frighten me. You do, to some extent, but less so now that I understand more of your work - if that makes sense." But even then, sometimes Lucifer is still a bit terrified of the greatness that is Sinister. "Emma Frost is another. And I would surely be in trouble if I were not a taken man." Cause he put his foot down for a /reason/. The old Lucifer wouldn't blink an eye before taking up Miss Frost on such an offer.

But he doesn't want to now. Not even a little bit. He is TAKEN.

"Well. That just means we'll have to have you practice a bit... still a couple weeks away from pride month itself and it can be any time of the month. Besides... you'll work it out in no time I'm sure." He grins. "Now, how about you and I go up to the Penthouse and maybe you can begin practicing strutting your stuff...right into the bedroom."